(GayWebSource.com - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by SeasonsofPride.com
June 11, 2014 | to | June 15, 2014 |
Vienna Gay Pride – Vienna, Austria
Vienna Pride 2014 has a motto – “Proud by Choice”
Vienna Gay Pride 2014
The discussion on the origins of sexual orientation is a broad field. The fact is that everyone adds has a sexual orientation and it is up to you how someone deals with it.
In a liberal society, / may be in everyone adds live their lives without legal or social discrimination, dealing with one’s own predisposition is one and only is a personal decision. Whether I spend my whole life hiding or openly deal with it, I decide for yourself
In Austria, the framework is largely achieved. Legal discrimination is essentially – with dedicated fighters such as the right LAMBDA – now removed and continue to fall gradually. In the social acceptability of trend also shows in a positive direction, although this is still to do a lot of persuasion.
But exactly what it needs people who are open to him, and also can accept themselves and their sexual orientation itself as something positive – just “Proud by Choice” are. Only if I have a positive image of myself, me and my environment is perceived positively. If I do not own to decide, proudly and openly deal with it as I’m just, is me in my area, no one can perceive the way I am actually. I hide thus a part of my life before my opponent. Everyone adds Einzelne_r who deals openly and proudly with himself and his sexual orientation, thereby helping to reduce social discrimination.
Vienna Pride is once a year also assisting them to deliver an open and inviting image of the LGBTI community. Passers and Besucher_innen who otherwise have no contact with the LGBTI community, and look in on the parade and the Pride Village, to give an insight into the diversity and normality of LBGTI-life, and to celebrate, discuss and spend time – with LGBTIs who have decided to proudly and openly deal with it, just “Proud by Choice”.
A look at Russia shows that it is not going anywhere in the world in the right direction in terms of legalistic and social equality for LGBTIs. Here, of course, is synonymous with solidarity with the communities in countries where a free decision of the / of the individuals due to the repressive conditions is partially not possible.
The post Vienna Gay Pride 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.
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